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My name is Sarah Moore. I am a certified Ayurveda Counselor (2018),  Hatha Yoga teacher Level 1 (2012), wife, mama, traveler and outdoor/surf enthusiast.


I became interested in Ayurveda through my yoga teacher training. I'd always struggled with digestive issues and felt lost in a sea of health trends. I'm so relieved to say that Ayurveda has taught be how to find and manage balance in body, mind, and spirit and now my physical and mental struggles are a thing of the past. 


My first introduction to yoga was from a young age. I learnt the art of "rolling around on the floor" at 9 years old from my grandmother who practiced Hatha at her home with a private teacher. Soon after, my mother bought me my first yoga book and so my self-practice began. Since then I've guided yoga classes in Thailand, Bali, Hawaii and Canada. Currently, I am offering private 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 classes.




©2019 by Sarah Lou Moore Yoga. Proudly created with

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